Resources & Information for Survivors of Sexual Violence

If You or Someone You Care About Has Experienced Something Incredibly Difficult, CAASA Is Here for You

This section of our website offers resources and information to help you understand what happened and begin navigating the healing process. Whether you're a survivor yourself, or a loved one of someone who has been impacted by sexual violence, we're here to guide you.
Here, you'll find information about different types of sexual violence, what to do next, and resources specifically designed to help you heal.

Additional Websites

  • -Darkness to Light- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Resources & Tips
  • Child Sexual Abuse Information and Tips
  • Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network
  • Loveisrespect is a resource to empower youth to prevent and end dating abuse.
  • Resources for Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence.

Additional Resources

Types of Sexual Violence

What is sexual violence? Sexual violence is any sexual contact performed against your will or where your consent is gained by the threat or acts of violence. The crime of sexual violence impacts all of us—our family members, our friends, and our neighbors. Sexual violence includes all sexual acts meant to harm, humiliate, control, and/or intimidate.

Acquaintance Rape | Rape by an individual known to the victim (friend, coworker, etc.), is the most common form of rape

Child Sexual Abuse | Engaging in sexual activity with a child

Hate Crimes | Victimization of an individual based on race, religion, national origin, ethnic identification, gender, or sexual orientation.

Incest | Sexual assault by a relative.

Partner Rape & Spousal Rape | Sexual acts committed against the will of a current partner/spouse, past partner/spouse, or cohabiter. 

Sexual Exploitation by Helping Professionals | Sexual contact of any kind by a helping professional (doctor, therapist, teacher, priest, etc.).

Drug-Facilitated Sexual Violence | Use of drugs or alcohol to compromise an individual's ability to consent to sexual activity.

Sexual Harassment | Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. 

Stalking | Intentional and repeated behaviors that place a person in reasonable fear for his/her safety.

Stranger Rape | Sexual assault by an unknown assailant.

Gang Rape | Occurs when more than one person sexually assaults an individual. 

Human Trafficking | Trade of human beings as possessions (prostitution or forced labor). 

Sexual violence is a crime of power and control, not a desire for sex!!


What Can I Do if I Have Been Sexually Assaulted?


Get to a safe place!!

Steps you may take include:

  1. Seek medical attention: regardless of whether you choose to report it or not. (physical evidence can be collected up to 120 hours after an assault and you can report anonymously)
  2. Call our HOPE line ANYTIME: 1-877-362-4612.   We will not report to the police unless you make the choice that is what YOU want.
  3. Report to the police, if you so choose.  
  4. Talk to a counselor/therapist.
  5. Talk to friends and relatives.

The most important thing to do is what's most comfortable to YOU. Give yourself the same love, understanding, and patience that you would give your friends or family.

Sexual violence is never your fault, no matter what you wore, where you went, or what you did. The assailant made a choice to violate your rights! Not saying "no" does not mean "yes".

How can I help my friend, family member, or partner?

  • BELIEVE your friend, family member, or partner.
  • Respect their confidentiality.
  • Avoid judgmental comments.  NEVER ask any questions that start with why. They did NOTHING wrong!!
  • Ask how you can be of assistance rather than giving advice. 
  • Respect their decision even when yours may be different.
  • Be a good listener but understand if they don't want to talk about it. Let it be on their timeline.  
  • Don't always ask them how they are doing, unless this is something that you have always done before.  Try to treat them the same as before this happened.  They want normalcy.
  • When your child is a victim, don't treat them differently from the rest of your children. They want normal.
  • When your partner is a victim, avoid pressure to resume any form of sexual activity.   Be patient & understanding!  
  • Offer unconditional love and support. 
  • Some things you can say are:

                "I'm glad you are alive."
                "It's not your fault."
                "I'm sorry it happened."

Become informed: Gather all the information you can about sexual violence and know what community resources are available. 
Suggest they call our Sexual Assault Hope Line: 1-877-362-4612 or a therapist.

We Believe You

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